The Forks announce new stage/field sponsor!
Big thanks to The Forks and the new Main Stage / Field sponsor the Canadian National Railway for having Youth1st Lacrosse be part of this exciting announcement! Great things to come at Manitoba's meeting grounds.
Also big thanks to Mayor Brian Bowman and The Forks Chief Executive Officer, Paul Jordan for the great picture.
Finally big thanks to all of our participants who came out to put on a great demonstration of Canada's National Sport!
#theforks #cn #canadian #national #railway #manitoba #lacrosse #winnipeg #school #division #lacrossestick #lacrosselife #lax #laxforlife #canadaday #indigenous #canadassport #youth #callstoaction #team88 #masrc #aboriginal #creatorsgame #canadasnationalsport #lacrosseteam #teammanitoba #team #community #culture #education