City TV - Lax Bash 2019
City TV Coverage
Big thanks to all who made this second annual Lax Bash a huge success. We had such a great time celebrating Canada Day with you!
Big congratulations to all the teams and to this year's Two Rivers Cup Champs - Portage La Prairie!
Wishing everyone a great restful summer. Keep on laxin'!
Photos to follow next week!
#portagelaprairie #laxbash #tworiverscup #lacrosse #canada #canadaday #parkscanada #theforks #community #lacrossestick #winnipeg #manitoba #canadasnationalsport #youth #sportsandrecreation #nationalsport #culture #tradition #city #citytv #longplain #RoseauRiver #indigenous #lacrosseteam #laxlife #family #honour #pride #respect #truthandreconciliation